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Статьи » Приборы и инструменты » WH-A весы электронные, навесные, Китай
WH-A весы электронные, навесные, Китай

Instruction of the WH-A Series Portable Electronic Scale


В Первой части статьи мы рассмотрели китайские электронные весы, а вот скан инструкции, ниже текст на английском, кому надо - сам переведет на русский, или на любой другой язык...


Instruction of the WH-A Series Portable Electronic Scale инструкция

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WH-A series portable electronic scales are new products with dual accuracy for initial marketing. The displaying is very clear for it uses big LCD with backlight. They have some unique function with automatically adjusting accuracy based on the goods' weight, tare, auto-zero, multi-unit conversion, air temperature measuring, turn off automatically, etc. They are ideal as a new generation precise weighing tools, especially suitable for family, shopping, outdoor activities' use because of its excellent accuracy, precision, stability, energy saving, convenient for use, delicate shape, light and portable, etc.


Range and Accuracy:

The products are designed with dual accuracy. They can adjust the deviation automatically based on the weight of goods. The detail is as below:

Range of weight : Accuracy 0-10kg: 5g 10-45kg (or 50kg):10g

Electrical Parameters:

Working voltage: 2.4-3.5V ( 2 AAA batteries)

Working current: backlight on l< 10mA; backlight off l< 5mA.

Current off State: l< 1mA

Operating Temperature: 10-40C

Operation Guide:


Turn on


Hung the scale and keep it vertical, press “ON/OFF” to turn it on, 2 seconds later enter the state of weighing.


Unit conversion


Press “UNIT” to select unit between kg ( kilograms ) , lb ( pounds ), Jin (semi-kilogram ), oz ( ounces ) after turn on. (1kg = 2.2lb = 2Jin = 35oz)




When you use container to weigh something fragmented, you can put the container on the hook first, press “TARE” to tare, then put the goods in the container after displaying zero weight, you can get the net weight.


Weight value lock


Press “TARE” lasting over 2 seconds, the displaying will convert between “L_ON” and “L_OF” .


“L_ON” indicates the function enabled, the weight value will be locked, and displays the sign “LOCK” or “ fl ” . When it was locked, press “ON/OFF” again it will be unlocked and you can weigh for the next. “L_OF” indicates the function disabled and will not lock the weight value.


WH-A Series Portable Electronic Scale




Turn on and wait it to auto-zero, then hung the goods on the hook and it will display the weight. Wait the goods on the hook to be still (stop shaking), the weight value will be locked if the weight value lock function is enabled, the screen displays the sign “LOCK” or “ ” . Then you can press “ON/ OFF” to unlock the value and weigh more.The total weight on the hook (including tare) should be not over the range, or not it will display the warning sign “O_Id” .


Air temperature measuring:


Press “UNIT” lasting for 2 seconds, it will show the environment temperature. Deviation: ±2°Cc Press “ON/OFF” to exit the function.


Turn off:


It will turn off by pressing “ON/OFF” when it was unlocked (It can not be turn off on the initiating state). When it was on the state of locking, you can press “ON/OFF” to exit the function first and press it again to turn off. When it was on the state of air temperature measuring, you can operate the same to turn off, too. If the scale received no operation over 120 seconds, it will turn off automatically.


Backlight Function:


received not any operation or the weight on the hook is stable over 5 seconds. Press any key or change the weight on the hook the backlight will light anain.




1, Vertical position of the scale required for turn on or working.

2, Please hold the ring or put aids on the ring to weigh. Should not hold the shell to weigh, or not it will cause the deviation exceeded or damage the scale.

З, Avoid any strong shock or vibration during operating.

4, The shell is made by ABS engineering plastics. Please use soft cloth aided water or detergent to wipe for cleaning, do not use corrosive substances to dean like as benzene, nitro solvents, caustic soda solution, etc.

5, When the screen appears the sign “ ” or “LO” which means the batteries are exhausted, please replace the batteries in time. Take out the batteries for avoiding leakage to damage the circuits if the scale will be not used for a long time.

6, Do not disassemble the scale by yourself if the scale had some failure which is not man-made. Please send back our company or agency to repair.

7, When the weight on the hook is over the range, it will display “OJd” indicates overload. You should remove the goods promptly, reduce the weight to weigh it again. Continuous overloading will damage the scale.








191 #1 Alex-007
November 06 2015 04:18:17
Я себе там же такие же весы заказывал, только ручка металлическая, а не такая - веревочка. С металлической ручкой они удобнее.
357 #2 Optiov15
July 05 2018 19:24:20
Брал не в Китае, а здесь, в магазине. Не точно такие, чуть-чуть по другому оформлены.
Прожили год. Поменял батарейки, вроде бы заработали, но стали сильно врать. Беру разновес гирек - еще с советских времен остались. Вместо 1 кг показывает 1 кг 110 грамм. Вместо 0,5 кг наоборот - уменьшает и показывает 470-480 грамм.

А гири-то с клеймом госстандарта! И за все эти годы сталь ну никак не может похудеть!
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