What is behind the "incident"
From the speech of writer and publicist G. Borovik on Central Television
Espionage - Washington practice
"Informed military officials admit the possibility that the South Korean plane was carrying out a reconnaissance flight," writes the American newspaper "San Francisco Examiner". - According to these officials, some foreign airlines are usually engaged in aerial reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. One American official who maintains close ties with military intelligence said that planes belonging to governments considered friendly to the United States are equipped in the United States with special photographic and film equipment and other devices for collecting intelligence. It is assumed that the information collected will be passed on to the American government." Observers also paid attention to the statement of Ernest Volkman, national security editor of the American magazine Defense Science Magazine, who told the Canadian Broadcasting Company that planes of the South Korean airline Korean Airlines regularly fly in Soviet airspace to conduct military reconnaissance.

There is no doubt that the intruder's action was a pre-planned provocation.
Let us briefly reconstruct the events.
A huge plane with its lights off entered our airspace at night, several hundred kilometers deep into our territory, and continued to move there for two hours. And not in a tourist area, but in an area of special strategic importance, where our air defense warning systems are located.
In an area where American missiles equipped with nuclear warheads aimed at us are deployed very close to our borders.
The intruder refused to respond to radio signals sent by our fighter. He did not respond to visual signals, he did not want to land at the airfield indicated to him.
As a result - the death of the plane. And the death of people who became victims of a well-thought-out provocation.
Those who are now whipping up anti-Soviet hysteria in the world are declaring: it was a peaceful plane, unarmed, there were passengers!
Our enemy is cunning. He has a lot of practice in provocations and staging, noisy denial of his guilt, hysterical accusations of someone else. Remember the episode with the American U-2 reconnaissance plane. It was also initially declared to be a peaceful meteorological balloon that had gone astray. But the current provocation is more malicious.
Here, people were put at risk by malicious intent, most of whom apparently had no idea that their plane had been scheduled to fly over Soviet territory in advance, and that they themselves had been turned into hostages.
But the very attempt to build one's political well-being on human misery arouses suspicion even among those people in the West who are deprived of objective information about what happened.
"Voices" are straining...
"The Voice of America" has sharply increased its broadcasts to the Soviet Union and other socialist countries in recent days. As reported by the UPI agency, citing USIA Director C. Wick, at the end of last week, the length of broadcasts in Russian increased by 25 percent compared to the usual level. The number of radio transmitters used for this purpose, as well as the frequencies on which broadcasting is carried out, has been significantly increased. Wick did not hide the fact that such an extremely sharp increase in the psychological war against the USSR is connected with the incident around the South Korean airliner that intruded into Soviet airspace.
War Provocateurs
Readers, of course, are well aware of the incident connected with the South Korean plane and the measures taken by the Soviet air defense systems to suppress this provocative and espionage action. Materials on this topic are widely published in the press. Readers have become familiar with the Statement of the Soviet Government of September 6 and TASS reports, speeches by representatives of our competent bodies, comments by leading political observers in the press, on radio and television.
The goals of the provocation are to try to denigrate the Soviet Union once again; — to disrupt negotiations on various aspects of international life from Madrid to Geneva, which the United States is reluctantly forced to conduct; — to reduce the intensity of the anti-war movement in connection with the upcoming demonstrations in the West in September against the deployment of new American missiles; — by waving the bogeyman of the “Soviet military threat,” to force doubters to approve the unheard-of military programs planned by Reagan.
The gigantic propaganda machine of the USA and other Western countries has been set in motion. They are the ones tasked with processing public opinion in the direction needed by political speculators. They are the ones called upon to help make all the political capital that was supposed to come from a pre-planned provocation.
What is being said and what is being kept silent about
The main conductor of all anti-Soviet campaigns of recent times, President Reagan himself, has taken over the management of the "free press". Perhaps, never before has any American president taken such openly anti-Soviet positions as Reagan.
In fact, all topics except one - the incident with the plane - have been removed from the "Voice of America", the CIA radio stations "Freedom" and "Free Europe". From morning till night, radio saboteurs pour not buckets, but real waterfalls of insinuations, all kinds of rumors, gossip and fables on the heads of listeners. However, it is interesting from the point of view of analyzing the methodology of this round of radio warfare that behind the apparent abundance of facts there is a paucity of information, the same set of propaganda cliches is repeated in different ways, and other Western radio stations are also “fed” by them.
In order to keep the anti-Soviet fervor on the airwaves from weakening and to be in full view all the time, on September 5, Reagan gave another speech, this time a pre-advertised speech on radio and television. In form, this speech is an example of political bad taste and boundless demagogy. Like a bad tragedian in a mediocre theater, Reagan used the hackneyed techniques of the provincial stage. There was everything here - raising of hands, and attempts to knock a tear out of the viewer with the help of his artificial tears, and tragic whispers turning into hysterical screams...
Only one thing is missing - the sobriety of a political figure, vested with the great responsibility of the leader of a great power. In terms of content, the speech was very meager.
Reagan never answered the questions that should have been asked by someone who sent a spy plane into Soviet airspace: why did it deviate 500 kilometers from its course and follow the wrong course for two and a half hours, why, having noticed Soviet fighters, did it not leave Soviet airspace or land at the location indicated to it, why did it fly without identification lights, why did it so persistently try to penetrate secret areas, and finally, why did the US, which was monitoring the flight, not interfere with the course of events?
Despite all the abundance of time allocated by the "radio voices" for psychological sabotage, numerous facts that have now become the property of the American press itself do not make it onto the airwaves. For example, it turns out that American intelligence services have long been practicing the use of civilian aircraft for espionage purposes. According to American experts themselves, spy equipment is installed on these aircraft even without the knowledge of the crew, much less the passengers. And this has been the practice for many years. US intelligence services use every opportunity to spy, photograph and eavesdrop. The territories along the borders of the Soviet Union are literally strewn with stations and objects filled with the most advanced electronic equipment for espionage.
For example, the following statement by the vice-president of Korean Airlines, Cho Jung Gun, who said in Tokyo that his company "must bear full responsibility" for the crash of the Boeing 747, did not make it onto the airwaves. Cho Jung Gun said: "I have no excuses, Korean Airlines bears full responsibility for this incident."
But of course, there is no point in talking about the objectivity of the "judges" from the "radio voices." Taldych says the same thing over and over, repeating the same facts, they pursue an obvious goal: to discredit the Soviet Union, its social system, its peace-loving policy by any means necessary.
Who are the "judges"?
Crocodile tears are shed by the one who in 1945 destroyed hundreds of thousands of Japanese by sending his pilots to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The one who killed and maimed thousands and thousands of people, including women and children, in Vietnam, at whose instigation the inhabitants of the Lebanese cities of Sabra and Shatila were exterminated just a year ago, and who continues to kill Lebanese people these days.
And who is mired in corruption, who has made espionage commonplace not only in international affairs, but also in their own? Let us recall the recent scandal in the White House with the theft of Carter's documents.
And no "radio voices" in the stream of "tears" will hide, and cannot hide (after all, such a way of thinking is natural for them), that the main measure of capitalism is money, power, the rest, even human life, has no price. That is why the leitmotif of Reagan's speech, a loyal protégé of the military-industrial complex, was - let's arm ourselves, you see how terrible these Russians are. Money, give us money, Reagan demands, addressing the congressmen, trying to make the most of what he considers an opportune moment.
Reagan has another goal - to stay in power, having gathered around himself the furious and frightened, and on their shoulders, on the anti-Soviet hysterical wave, to stay in the White House for another term.
But the public can be blinded for a moment, but it cannot be fooled all the time.
Current propaganda broadcasts are yet another confirmation (contrary to the wishes of their authors) of the fact that the rabid radio sabotage that the US and NATO are currently conducting is their main method in psychological warfare. And the saboteurs do not care that this is a violation of all and any international norms.
Our position
Soviet people are well aware of the current situation. In letters that have been coming into newspapers, on television and radio these days, they give a corresponding assessment of the war provocateurs.
"The actions of the White House, the State Department and the US President, who have launched a furious anti-Soviet campaign, are causing deep anger and indignation among the Soviet people.
We have no doubt that they are again probing us at the borders, trying to test our vigilance.
Let the overseas politicians not hope that we will allow anyone to test the strength of our borders with impunity. They have always been and will be inviolable," write, for example, V. Mamkin, Hero of Socialist Labor, a mechanic at the Leningrad Bolshevik Plant, and I. Androshchuk, a foreman of the Dalzavod shipbuilders, in Izvestia.
In the Statement of the Soviet Government of September 6, 1983, regarding the incident with the South Korean plane, this crudely planned action is qualified as a political provocation. It clearly states: "We will continue to act in accordance with our laws, which fully comply with international norms. This also fully applies to the issue of ensuring the security of our borders. To protect our borders, including airspace, is the sovereign right of every state." Every Soviet citizen will subscribe to these words.
V. Bazhenov
According to Goebbels' recipes
When the issue was being laid out, we received yet another confirmation that the provocation with the spy plane in Washington was prepared in advance. This is, so to speak, a multi-purpose action.
Before the propaganda centers of the West had time to "respond" and advertise one speech by Reagan, he already had another one ready. On September 10, he gave an even more vicious speech, which was immediately spread around the world by the "Voice of America" accountable to the president and other "voices."
The speaker's style is the same. And this time he first quotes the Bible, then pompously talks about truth and morality, then almost scolds communism and the Soviet Union, heating up with his own anger. Here are examples of presidential (!) rhetoric: "Let the plague fall on their heads." This is about you and me, reader! This is the style of speech of this "moralist". As for the content, this time the discussion was about radio broadcasting and radio propaganda against the Soviet Union and other socialist countries. By the way, let us note: if all previous American presidents tried to talk about this as little as possible, as if it were something dirty, and even pretended to cut budgets for the maintenance of radio stations, then Reagan began to praise these sources of lies and slander that had repeatedly disgraced themselves before the whole world, calling the Voice of America and Liberty “such valuable assets of our (i.e. American) policy.” Reagan especially praised the radio saboteurs for the real radio war that they had launched on the airwaves at his direction in connection with the “incident” with the South Korean plane, and confirmed that the “radio voices” had sharply increased their airtime and the number of broadcast frequencies during these days. Thus, Reagan actually officially elevated radio warfare to the level of US state policy, declaring radio sabotage the main and most important tool of propaganda and ideological offensive.
History after Goebbels has never seen such blatant impudence and unceremoniousness.
This propaganda bacchanalia on the air ended, as usual, with a demand to voters and congressmen to fork out money to strengthen propaganda centers, to expand the network of radio transmitters, which the US supposedly has low power, with outdated equipment. Reagan claimed that in this area the US is far behind the Soviet Union.
A familiar technique, isn't it?
The US President does not bother to invent new arguments. As in the case of weapons, he first scares with the (fictitious) lag of the US behind the USSR, and then demands money to eliminate this "lag". And the facts are as follows:
The activities of the subversive radio stations "Voice of America", "Freedom" and "Free Europe" are allocated more than half a billion dollars (640 million). These stations alone, like a web weaving around the world, broadcast 1818 hours a week in 45 languages, and most of this time is spent in the Soviet Union and the socialist countries. So this talk about "lagging behind" is nothing more than a deliberate distortion of the facts, a smokescreen. And every country has the right to protect itself from lies and provocations, from this sabotage and propaganda offensive, interference in internal affairs and direct violation of international agreements on radio broadcasting
"Arguments and Facts", No. 37 (154) September 13, 1983
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